Rehab Pro Assessment is a trusted expert in medical billing and coding, possessing specialized knowledge and training in Usual Customary and Reasonable charge rates. With a deep understanding of industry standards, and the importance of variations in medically billable versus allowable services in fairly resolving injury claims, Rehab Pro Assessment provides data and billing audits. Our medical billing reviews and audits help delineate what a patient may be charged initially for a service versus what that patient pays after their insurance has been applied. Rehab Pro Assessment is commonly relied on for performing medical billing reviews in insurance claims to provide information related to private carrier coverage as well as governmental plans such as Medicare and Medicaid.
Medical bills help us determine the total damages in a case, ensuring our clients receive appropriate compensation for their medical expenses.
Detailed medical billing records provide concrete evidence of a client’s injuries, the necessary treatments, and the associated costs, strengthening legal claims.
Rehab Pro uses medical billing data to negotiate settlements through providing transparency on CPT coding and UCR comparatives on past and future medical expenses associated with an injury.
Rehab Pro Assessment and consultation is commonly asked to provide metrics to carriers who are seeking a past medical billing review and audit to provide fair settlement negotiations.
Proper medical billing ensures legal compliance and thorough documentation, reducing disputes over medical expenses.
Having clear, organized billing records helps us efficiently track expenses, support expert testimony, and expedite case resolution.